Friday, March 29, 2019

Expect theUnexpected

Monday in the STEAM lab we located our city on Google Earth. 
Here's the State Capitol.
Google Earth even showed us pictures of Mike the Tiger.
Here's the Old State Capitol where we went on our field trip.

We're using technology to learn about maps.

This is where we had our picnic.
This is what Tiger Stadium looks like from the air.

 Our week ended with a surprise visit from Ariel and Prince Eric.  They'll be performing in the PBS production of The Little Mermaid. We can't wait to see them on the stage!
Early Childhood is a busy, active, and often noisy place where you can expect the unexpected. We began our week with a follow-up to our study of Louisiana. In the STEAM lab, the students used Google Earth on iPads to zoom in on our location. They got a satellite view of the earth, then came in for a landing in Baton Rouge. Google Earth showed photos of familiar places: the Old and New State Capitols, Tiger Stadium, even our school!
We moved on to our new theme: dinosaurs. This week we've been thinking, reading, learning, and writing about dinosaurs. By the end of the day on Friday, the students began designing their own dinosaurs. What would it look like? What would it eat? What is its habitat?
In the middle of all the chaos, as students were drawing, writing, trying to spell and make sentences...Arial and Prince Eric appeared to invite the kids to the PBS play next week.
There's always so much going on.  The writing lesson was a bit more chaotic than I had planned,and I wondered if the students actually learned anything.
So I like to ask the class at the end of the day, "What did you learn today?"
As usual they surprised me with their answers. One learned how to look at the calendar and figure out the day of the week. I was pleasantly surprised to see that someone remembered what we did first thing in the morning.
"I learned to sing praise songs," another said. (Another pleasant reminder that the students are learning from our Bible lessons.)
"I learned to count on to add." (Yes! That was the learning intention in math.)
"I learned to spell 'mine.' "
 "Mine" was a word the child used in her writing activity. What a relief to know that the writing lesson was valuable despite the noise and craziness.
As always, kindergarten is full of surprises.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Swamp Tour

This is the life!

The Cajun Life

Hanging out with friends.

Taking it easy!
There's an alligator in that pond!

Louisiana's Most Valuable Natural Resources

Here's our state bird, the Brown Pelican.

And a snapping turtle is in here!

Alligator Hunters

Water fowl

Deux amies

Une jeune fille

Playing in sunshine 
Enjoying a cool, sunny, dry Louisiana spring day.

Don't let the alligator drive the boat.








And more alligators!


Home, sweet...trapper's cabin

Bald Cypress

Spanish Moss


Friday, March 15, 2019

Field Trip to the State Capitol

It's a great day for a field trip.
Take a look at the kids in these pictures. They may be future legislators, governors, leaders...even presidents. They will certainly be future voters, responsible for making decisions that will affect us all. I'm reminded of the weighty responsibility we have as teachers and parents to teach these children to love the Lord and to follow Him all the days of their lives. They'll need God's wisdom and His guidance as they navigate an increasingly complex world. They'll need His commandments as a moral compass as they strive to do what's right and just. The future is in their hands.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Our gang in front of the Old State Capitol

We love a picnic on the grounds.
The Early Childhood Division filled the steps of the Old State Capitol

The best part of the trip was rolling down the hill.

"...and Jill came tumbling after."
Hmm...some interesting murals!

The floors are made of lava rocks.

We're learning how Huey was shot in this building.

Lots to learn about the House of Representatives and Senate.

Our state legislators press red or green buttons to vote on laws.

And there's a pencil stuck in the ceiling!

A view from the top!

It was a tight squeeze on the elevator, but we made it to the observation deck on the 27th floor.

The state capitol is beautiful in the spring. 
And the finale....singing our state song on the steps of the Capitol!
Fun Fact: Governor Davis wrote "You Are My Sunshine" for his horse, Sunshine.
Ah, the joys of childhood!