Thursday, October 17, 2019

Boudreaux and Thibodeaux---Twins Day

Crustacean Quadruplets's quintuplets!

Captain America Twins

These two are the real twins.
His Tic Tac Toe twin is in another grade.

Teacher Twins


 The swamp is wild and teeming with activity. But even the swamp can be a place of wonder. Today at Free Centers time, our little swamp critters were creating. Here's one creation that blessed my heart...a hat displaying a Bible verse and a message of love. Beautiful things are growing and blooming in this swamp!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sleeping in the Swamp

Middle School Big Buddies came to join our slumber party and help with Literacy Stations. The class loved having big buddies to help them write sentences in their journals, help with listening center, and even help find sight words buried in a box of corn kernels (because, as one child explained, "It's corn season!.")

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marsh Monday

Marsh Monday was the kick-off to our Louisiana-themed Homecoming Week. 
The loft looks like a deer stand.

A-hunting we will go.

Pretty in camo

Ferocious hunters.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Finding the Fun

“Why can’t we bring Pokemon cards to class? I thought we came to school to have fun.”
“No, we come to school to learn.”

And besides, I thought, your parents are not paying big bucks for you to come to school to play Pokemon. If that were the case, they could hire a babysitter for much less money than the cost of tuition.

However…learning can be fun.

As Mary Poppins says, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and ---snap---the job’s a game.”

Practicing skills on the iPad
Take math, for example. When I was a kid, math class meant numbers on a paper…or maybe a blackboard. These days, math is more colorful…red and yellow counters, unifix cubes in rainbow colors, games, and puzzles. The students are now using apps on the iPads to practice math skills, so math practice is accompanied by bells and whistles.
Learning about shapes

Putting together those puzzling teen numbers

 On Friday, math class involved playing games in small groups. At first, I heard some arguments as some groups disagreed on the best method of completing the task. But once the students learned to work together, they were able to complete the assignment and take pride in the finished product.

Addition practice

Subtraction practice

Using playing cards to make sums of 10

Students today have creative options for learning skills...many more options than I had back in the day. They don't all like the same activities. Some students like playing games in groups; others would rather work individually on iPads. Some students love assignments that involve crayons and coloring. Others find coloring a waste of time. Some like song and dance; others…not so much.

But over the years, I’ve noticed that the most successful students are the ones who will embrace new activities and give their best effort to the task at hand. The best students will take pride in a job well done… even when it’s a paper and pencil activity. And they’ll strive for excellence, even in activities that are not their favorites. The most successful students are the ones who maintain a good attitude and find the fun in whatever they’re doing.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23

Recording observations about heat energy

Thursday, October 3, 2019

STEAMY Students

"Can you take a picture, Mrs. Kemp?"

The students are so proud of their creations. When they finish their written work, the kids are allowed to get a STEAM box that contains items for building and creating. The boxes give them a chance to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The students explore principles such as magnetism, patterns, geometry, force and motion, and balance. 

Our God is the Creator, and He allows us to create, using our minds, our hands, and our imaginations to design and construct and invent.

Who knows...maybe the next Rembrandt or Edison or Einstein is in this class!

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10