Friday, May 21, 2021

Summer’s Here—Have a Ball

On the last day of school, the kids came dressed in their beach/luau/summer attire. We also had a few sharks in the group. 
Rain prevented us from going to the playground, but we expended lots of energy at our dance party in the hall.


We were thankful to have the use of the high school gym for recess. 

Right before carpool, we all had a ball----that is, beach balls were flying in the hall.

At the end of his life, the Apostle Paul wrote,   "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing." II Timothy 4:7-8

This school year we've had to battle several obstacles, from Covid-19 to ice storms and now flash floods. But we've fought the good fight, and we've remained in school, in person, 5 days a week, for the entire school year (give or take a day off for a weather event.) In person, the students have had the best opportunity to advance academically, and also to develop spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally. And in Early Childhood it's so important for the students to develop physical skills, communication skills, and social skills---skills they can't practice online.  Our kids have finished the race. They are all reading. They have a good foundation in math, and as most of them go on to first grade, they're poised to be leaders in their class. 

Today we didn't give out any "crowns." We don't give Honor Roll or Achievement Awards in Early Childhood, but each one of these kids deserves an award for perseverance because they did their best even when the work was challenging.

We Early Childhood teachers have finished our work with this group of kids from T1. As our shirts read: "Dear Parents, Tag. You're it., Signed, the Teachers.
The PBS Early Childhood staff sends our love and prayers to our Transitional First Grade students who will be moving up to Elementary School in August. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tailgate Party

Rain or shine, we're always ready to party. The school year is almost over, so we celebrated with a tailgate party. 

Tiger fans, Eagle fans, Saints fans, and others stormed the football field.

Our tailgate games took place in the gym.

We bounced, we ran, we jumped, we tossed....
...then we ate popsicles.

The weather this week was wet and rainy, but sunnier days are in our forecast.

We're gearing up for an exciting summer.
Batter up!
Go, Tigers!

We're ready to conquer the world, or at least take over the classroom!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

What Do We Do on the Second to Last Week of School?

Pizza in the Courtyard for students who participated in the Accelerated Reader program (that's our entire class.)

Celebrating Summer Birthdays
Researching Sea Animals
Learning to Find Information on the iPad
Making Notes about Orcas
Learning about Seahorses
Learning about Coding on OSMO
Practicing Math Skills on OSMO
Practicing Geography Skills on OSMO
We love OSMO!
Learning to Focus and Follow Directions


Students who raised $250.00 for Kids Heart Challenge got to spray Mrs. Cathy with silly string.