Saturday, October 8, 2016

Follow up

The trip to the Pumpkin Patch was more than just an opportunity to take pictures of  adorable, smiling kids having a blast with their friends and family. When we returned to school on Thursday and Friday, we extended the experience with cross-curricular activities that capitalized on the students' excitement about pumpkins. (So parents who sacrificed your time to accompany us on our trip---your time was well-spent!)
On Thursday at Chapel, Mrs. Cathy related Autumn and harvest to God's plan for His creation, so our trip had a spiritual dimension.  In class, we used the pumpkin theme  in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Art as the students wrote about, painted, weighed, and measured their pumpkins. They made predictions about whether the pumpkin would sink or float. (Two out of sixteen predicted correctly, proving that you can't always judge by outward appearances.)

Here are our little scientists, writers, mathematicians, and artists at work enjoying God's creation.

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