Sunday, September 24, 2017

A New Creation

And now presenting....the moment we've all been waiting for.....butterflies!

It happened at the end of a long and busy Friday. For days we had been watching our chrysalises wiggle, waiting, wondering...would it be today? We didn't know the details of the transformation process that was going on inside those chrysalises, but we knew it was something wonderful.  And suddenly, in the middle of a lesson, someone spotted it. A butterfly had emerged. Then another.

"I will meditate on the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on Your wondrous works."  Psalm

Maybe the reason the butterfly's transformation seems so miraculous is because the whole process takes place in a matter of weeks.  We can almost see colorful butterfly wings developing inside that little brown enclosure.  Other changes are taking place daily in our classroom, although these are more subtle.  The children are changing and growing.

Last night I was expressing concern about the difficulty I was having in getting some of the kids to focus.

"You say that every September," my husband reminded me.  "Then in April you say, 'They're all reading.'"

So I continue to provide the students with instruction, discipline, and experiences to help them mature.

As the students learned about Life Cycles this week,  there were sights to behold and sounds to hear, tastes and smells to experience, things to touch and hold.

Mrs. Bonaventure brought her dog, Lilly, to Science lab.

The children felt Lilly's soft fur and posed for pictures.

They learned do's and don'ts for approaching animals.

They learned about the stages of a dog's life: puppy, adolescent, adult.

We're studying plant life cycles, too, and had an apple tasting investigation.

The majority of the class liked yellow apples best. ( We two abstaining: one child liked red, green, and yellow equally. Another child didn't like any of the apples.)

We gather information in a variety of ways, including listening station and IPads. 

Kindergarten children like things they can touch, so lessons include manipulatives.
Little by little, God is working in all of us, transforming us into something wonderful, for His glory.

 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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