Monday, October 1, 2018

Working Together

"So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work." Nehemiah 4:6

What are we learning this week? We're learning to work together....
learning that each one of us makes an important contribution to class projects...

learning to participate appropriately for lessons, stories, games, and songs....

learning to participate in reading group....

learning to take turns and to listen....

learning to share ideas...

learning to work independently and to wait for a turn....

 learning to use soft, indoor voices...

 learning to stay on task while the teacher works with other children....

 learning to get along other children...

 learning to help each other out!

In kindergarten, one of the most important things a child will learn is how to learn in a group setting. Learning in a group setting is different from one-on-one instruction. In a classroom setting, children have to learn to receive instruction that is directed to the whole group and to engage appropriately in group activities----not sitting mindlessly as if they were watching TV and not disrupting the group.
Things like taking turns, sharing  materials, and staying in your own space (feet and hands to yourself!) can be difficult for some kindergarten children. But there are great benefits to learning in a group. Children can help one another and learn from each other.  They learn to navigate social situations and adjust to different personalities.
Each child has a unique contribution to offer to the group. And when all the students work together fulfill their responsibility, the result can be stunning.

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