"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17

We've got some new friends in our class. Here's a peek into some of our first-of-school activities.

One of our new friends is made from a spork!
With a few materials and a little bit of imagination, we made our own Forky.
Forky thought he was trash. He ran away, but luckily he left us some clues as to his whereabouts. We used our QR code scanner to read the clues.
We chased him around the school, but in the end, he returned to the class to be with his new friends.
I hope he made it home in one piece!
We had a special snack: Duke Caboom's Raisin Pop Caboom Road Trip Snack Mix.
We did a science experiment to determine whether Forky would sink or float.
We even celebrated a couple of birthdays.
Birthday boys got their own Eli the Eagle,

We "wrote the room" and found new words all around the classroom.
We matched upper and lower case letters. We're learning all about the alphabet.
We're developing listening skills.
We're using technology.
Letter sounds are all you need. Put them together and you can read.
We've been practicing our writing, too. Every day we're getting better and better.
Our Thursday Chapel service looks a little different since we're keeping our distance from other people and not gathering in large groups. But we worshiped in Chapel with Mrs. Cathy and Mrs. Bonaventure via Zoom.
Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have until we have to do without it. After having to finished the fourth quarter of school by Distance Learning last semester, I was so happy to begin the new school year with face-to-face learning. In early childhood, the students are learning so much more than just academics. Social skills comprise an important component of early childhood education. As we come together as a class, the students are learning how to make new friends. They're learning how to take turns, how to speak politely to their classmates and to listen when their classmates talk. They're learning to help one another, to celebrate one another, and to be kind to one another.
Our Chapel lesson this week was on friendship. Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times," and Mrs. Cathy taught the children that a good friend loves in good times and in bad times...whether his friend is happy or grouchy/
In-person instruction gives the students plenty of opportunities to practice being good friends. It's good to be back together, even if it means that I have to wear a mask or shield. It's worth all the extra hand washing, table-wiping, and sanitizing. I'm hopeful one day we'll be able to freely hug, huddle up, and hold hands. But until that time, these friends are learning to show love (at a safe distance, of course).