Friday, August 28, 2020

Numbering Our Days

 "So teach us to number our days

    that we may get a heart of wisdom. " Psalm 90:12

We're numbering our days.

Every morning,  we put the date on the calendar. We count how many days we've been together in class. Every day is a precious gift from God, an  opportunity to learn new things, to bring honor to God,  and to make a difference in our world. We want to use each day wisely and to make the most of every opportunity.

We never know what tomorrow may bring, so we don't want to waste the time we have today. With three unexpected days off, this past week did not go according to lesson plans. But we still managed to accomplish quite a few things. The class had its first experience in the science lab, where we used our five senses to explore God's world. The students tasted different flavors, experienced different sensations as they explored their sense of touch, and used their sense of smell to identify different substances. They investigated whether they needed both eyes open to be able to accurately throw a ball in a basket. (Oddly, some students were better able to land the ball in the basket when they closed both eyes....which goes to show that depth perception was not the only factor influencing the accuracy of their throwing. We need a lot more research before we can make a definite conclusion.)

We had lunch in our newly remodeled cafeteria; we're still refining our procedures, adjusting our schedule, and working out the kinks. And, true to form for Early Childhood, on our first day in the cafeteria, someone lost a tooth.

In Early Childhood, routines and procedures are very important, but the hurricanes disrupted our schedule by sending tornado alerts at Centers time on Wednesday and rain at recess time on Friday. But in spite of all that, we managed to find time for our students to take the STAR Early Literacy test and to make progress in math, handwriting, phonics, and sight words. 

We even celebrated a couple of birthdays.

We're learning to number our days and use them wisely. 

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