Friday, September 24, 2021

Afternoon Activities

  "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." Colossians 3:23 NIV

 The T1 kids put their whole heart into everything they do. In the morning, our class works hard on our core subjects. We begin our day with Bible, then apply ourselves to English Language Arts and Mathematics. Our afternoons are not as structured, but the students continue to practice and learn important skills.
   From 11:30-12:30,we have our ancillary classes (art, music, library, Spanish, and PE.)  Our afternoons may appear to be only fun time, but a lot of learning still takes place under the guise of play.  Our all-important science lessons take place in the afternoon, and every other week we go to the STEAM lab for some hands-on activities to reinforce the science lessons we studied in the classroom.
    This week we explored the states of matter. Students investigated how matter changes from one state to another.

Crayons are solid. What will happen if we apply heat?
It's melting!
Gases are matter! They take up space.
We continued our science lesson on the playground.

Apple juice changes from liquid to solid in the freezer.
What a fun way to learn about changing states of matter.

After recess, we typically have Free Centers. The students can choose among different centers: art center, iPads, and various kinds of building blocks. They're developing social skills, expressing their creativity, and becoming little engineers as they design and construct.
These two cuties, who share the same name, worked together in the Art Station
Some students prefer working in the loft....
… or, as it's otherwise called, Mickey's Clubhouse.
We like building with magnetic blocks and good, old-fashioned wooden blocks.
We're very creative.

On Friday, we were treated to apple pie and ice cream in the courtyard.

Here's one cool dude enjoying his pie.

We love our sunny autumn afternoons.


Friday, September 17, 2021

We Love Chapel

“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.

“Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read,

“‘From the lips of children and infants
    you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?" 

Matthew 21:16 NIV

"I'm gonna jump up and down, I'm gonna spin right around, I'm gonna praise His Name forever. I'm gonna shout out loud, I'm gonna deafen the crowd, I'm gonna send my praise to heaven."
The students love listening to the Bible stories. They can tell you the Bible is "absolutely, positively true."

 Our days at school are covered with prayer. The students pray in chapel and in the classroom. In our morning prayer time, I've heard them saying some of the sweetest prayers for their classmates and their families. 

In their journals, the students wrote about their favorite things to do at school. It warms my heart to see the children writing about praising God.

Of course, recess and play time also topped the Favorite Things to Do at School list. The children are learning the importance of glorifying God in every aspect of their lives.