Sunday, August 14, 2022

New Beginnings

  “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 ESV
Various stories are circulating concerning events of the first week of school, So I'll set the record straight and tell you what really happened.
We were listening to the story of Toy Story 4, when all of a sudden, Forky came to life. But he ran away! We had to chase him all over the campus. Fortunately, Forky left us clues. We used the QR reader app on the iPad to decode the clues he left. 

We searched everywhere for the renegade spork. And everywhere we went, the kids asked people they met, "Have you seen Forky?" On our search for Forky, we met teachers and other school personnel, such as the nurse, the cafeteria staff, and the librarian. 

We finally found him...he'd returned to the classroom. He realized he wasn't trash after all. He knew he belonged with his friends.

We worked up quite an appetite on our search for Forky, so we were ready for lunch in the cafeteria.

The kids had a great time meeting new friends.

In the course of the day, we performed a scientific investigation and made a discovery: Forky floats!
We mixed up a special road-trip snack mix: Raisin Pop Kaboom.
Our playground is being renovated, so the Preschool has graciously allowed us to use theirs until ours is ready.
Our day ends with Free Centers time, where we build, create, and use our imaginations. And sometimes we go up the ladder to Mickey's Clubhouse and read a book.
 Here are our new T1 Eagles.
In the upcoming school year, we'll be asking lots of questions, knocking on many doors, and seeking new knowledge. But--most importantly--we'll be seeking to know God better.

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