Friday, January 13, 2017


Kids love dinosaurs. Maybe it's because they love the concept of digging in the dirt and making a discovery. Maybe it's because dinosaurs are a pretend sort of way.  By kindergarten, most of the children already know the definition of "extinct;" there simply aren't any living dinosaurs anymore. And the ones in the Prehistoric Park...well, as one child put it, those are "robots."  Those dinosaurs are man-made; they're not God-made, so they're not really alive. But even those "robot" dinosaurs produce  thunderous roars, and they are "humongous," and they have sharp teeth. So during our classroom discussion of dinosaurs, when we talked about terms such as "paleontologist," and "carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore," a debate arose concerning whether or not to be afraid of them.
"I'm scared of dinosaurs," said one student.
"I'm not scared," countered another.
But the wisest response of all came from one boy who said, "I'm not afraid of dinosaurs because I know that God is always with me."
It sounds like our kids have already made some important discoveries!

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