Sunday, August 26, 2018

Soaring on Eagles' Wings

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

The first week of school is always exhausting---for the students and for the teacher. The students have so many new rules and procedures to learn. They have new classmates and teachers in their lives, and they must learn to navigate their new environment.  Even the most enjoyable activities, like recess, can zap a kid's energy (especially in Louisiana in August).

School needs to be challenging. Without challenges, we can't grow. But those of us who put our hope in the Lord can find the strength to meet the challenges that come our way. The hope that we have in Christ enables us to have endurance, to keep on trying, to never quit.

These are our future writers, artists, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, builders, entertainers, preachers, teachers, Christ-followers ready to SOAR on Eagles' wings.
This group loves Centers time at the end of the day.

The dress up center has been a favorite this week.
These kids are the heroes of tomorrow---in whatever field they choose.

We working on sorting this week..

and practiced fine motor skills.

We're learning procedures for literacy stations.

We're listening and reading...

speaking and writing...

and practicing phonics skills.
In the Science lab, we learned about the 5 senses.
Seeing, hearing, smelling...


building with popcorn and toothpicks..

Oh, and Thursday was National Corn Dog Day, so of course we celebrated!

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