Saturday, September 1, 2018

Beyond Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmatic

Early Childhood education involves so much more than learning letters, sounds, and numbers. Of course, the children are learning these things---in a developmentally appropriate way, through songs, visuals, games, and technology.
At PBS, our goal is to help the children develop Christ-like character traits----- such as kindness, respect, self-control, patience, excellence, joy----, so that in their lives they'll exhibit the fruit of the Spirit.
In early childhood, the students are learning social skills---how to share, take turns, collaborate. They're learning study skills and work habits that they'll need in their academic lives and later in their careers.
They're learning to listen, to remember what they hear,to understand what they hear, to evaluate what they hear, and to follow directions.
They're learning to create, to design, and to solve problems. 
They're learning that rules are intended for their good. In our classroom, there are two things we don't do: we don't do anything that will cause harm to anyone or anything (and that means not hurting someone's feelings), and we don't do anything that keeps us from learning. And there's so much to learn in kindergarten....much more that just reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

Learning letters and sounds in a developmentally appropriate way--through play

Learning to listen

Learning about following rules

Working in literacy stations

Learning to work independently
Striving for excellence

Learning to complete work on time

Using a sorting activity to practice problem solving

Using technology



Picking up...learning to take care of classroom materials and keep them organized

Displaying a Christ-like attitude
Learning to work alone
Learning to work together
Learning through group activities

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