Tuesday, January 29, 2019

101st Day of School

Happy 101st Day of School!

101 puzzle pieces
101 crayons
101 beads

101 Lego pieces

101 buttons and beads
101 toys

Hundred Chart Activities

Hundred Chart plus one

Dalmatian with 101 spots

A Colorful Dalmatian

Puppy Chow

Ten groups of Ten

Making groups of Ten

We're getting smarter.

Bow Wow

Sunday, January 27, 2019

God at Work

‘“What is that?” Little Cub asked in wonder, as she watched the dancing lights in the sky.

“That is God at work, Little Cub.” 
God Gave Us Christmas, by Lisa Tawn Bergren and David Hohn
At Christmas time, I read God Gave Us Christmas to the class. It’s a sweet story of a mother polar bear explaining the true meaning of Christmas to her little cub.
This month as the class was learning about the Arctic, we came across a picture of the Northern Lights.
“That’s God working!” several students remembered. 

And so He is.  He’s at work painting the sky. The Northern Lights, with their colorful, swirling brilliance, exemplify His artistry.

The kids painted their interpretations of the Northern Lights, and each child’s artwork was an original---like the kids themselves. No two are exactly alike.

God is working. He’s working in the lives of these children---each one as unique as the ever-changing evening sky, which never looks exactly the same as the night before.

God is working, making all things new. His mercies are new every morning, as fresh and original as the sunrise. And for those of us who belong to Him, He is making us into something new.

God is working. He’s shining a light in the darkness.

‘“That’s God at work, Little Cub. He sent his only Son as a baby so we would know the light from the dark, Jesus the Light of the world.
“Jesus is how God gave us Christmas.”' (Bergren and Hohn)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”  John 1: 1-5

When the Saints Go Marching In

Here's one final shout-out to the New Orleans Saints, who almost made it to the Super Bowl.