Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Icy Habitats

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and diving nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20

The kindergartners have been studying the Arctic and Antarctic and learning about the animals that live in those frigid environments. (Fun fact: penguins and polar bears will never meet because penguins live in the Antarctic, and polar bears are Arctic animals.)

The students have been exploring ways that these animals' bodies are designed to thrive in their icy habitats.

As we study the amazingly intricate way that all of creation works together, we can't help but praise our awesome Creator who designed it all.
This ice is cold!

We're building icy habitats for the penguins.
Whales and seals live in this cold environment.

I wouldn't want to swim in this water.
This water's freezing!

A thick layer of blubber keeps the animals warm when they swim in icy water,
We're building igloos.

We're connecting the blocks in a circular pattern.

It's warmer inside this snow house.
Okay, so this isn't really snow. It smells like popcorn.
It all fits together.
Is this the Polar Express?

We love building in the STEAM lab.

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