Sunday, August 15, 2021

Consistency in the Midst of Unpredictable Times

Life is full of surprises.
 We can't predict what will happen tomorrow, especially during a global pandemic. We began our school year with Covid-19 running rampant throughout our state. But because we were prepared, because we were flexible---and by the grace of God---our students at PBS had a happy and productive first week of school.

Our week was filled with adventure In T-1. Our new friend Forky ran away. Fortunately he left us some clues in the form of QR codes. We used the scanner app on the iPad to decipher the codes and track him down.
I loved seeing the expressions of wonder on my students' faces and hearing the excitement in their voices as they chased Forky around the school. 
I had to smile when I heard one of my students call out to his classmates, "Forky is one naughty guy! Come on, team! Let's find him." 

We carried out the Toy Story theme in our arts and crafts and science lesson. We made our own "Forkys," and we did an experiment to see whether he would sink or float.

This first week was devoted to practicing routines we'll use throughout the year---routines for classroom procedures, cafeteria, playground, auxiliary classes, snack time, and Centers time.

Free Centers Time is still a favorite with our Transitional First Grade students.

We're planning to keep our routines as consistent as possible and keep our children learning and growing.  Though we never know what tomorrow will bring, we have a God who faithful, consistent, and unchangeable. Because of Him, we are beginning our school year with optimism and confidence.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 ESV

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