Monday, October 25, 2021

Integrating Curriculum: Reading and Art, Science and Math


"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
I couldn't resist posting pictures drawn by my talented students. It all started with a lesson on spiders, and, well, one thing led to another. We watched a video of Charlotte's Web, and while the reading level of the Charlotte's Web book is above what the T1 students are reading, the story has so many lessons to teach. We've had some interesting discussions on friendship, and we learned some facts about spiders (not to mention the origin of bacon and ham.)
From a language arts standpoint, we've learned about story elements: characters, settings, and events. And we've explored adjectives and word choice. Charlotte the Spider had a big vocabulary. She said, "Salutations," rather than "Hello." So we talked about using more interesting, descriptive words.
And the art lesson was amazing...terrific...awesome. The kids drew Wilbur, who was not just a happy, funny pig. He was "comical," "humorous," and "entertaining."
We even talked about the shapes we used in the drawings. Charlotte's Web provided lots of opportunities to integrate curriculum.







Speaking of integrating curriculum....we went to the STEAM lab to explore force and motion,  and we used our knowledge of  3D shapes as we observed the effects of force (for example, gravity and wind power) on various spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms. 

  I see some future artists, writers, engineers, and mathematicians in the making.

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