Friday, February 25, 2022

Growing in Stature and Wisdom

The mission of Parkview Baptist is to seek first the Kingdom of God while providing a Christ-centered, college preparatory education that guides students to grow and mature in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.

The T1 kids have certainly grown in stature since August. And day by day, they gain more knowledge. They're beginning to apply that knowledge and use it to make good choices---growing in wisdom. As they work together in groups, they learn to navigate social landscapes, demonstrating  kindness, speaking politely, and growing in favor with others. The ultimate goal, though, is to grow in favor with God---and act in a manner pleasing to their Creator. 

So our student continue to read and write...
to investigate...
to create...

to explore...
to think critically...
to wonder...
to imagine...

to sort things out...

to build..

to cooperate, and to have fun!


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