Sunday, January 29, 2023

Superheroes in Training

Last week marked out 100the Day of School. We celebrated the 100th day with a special treat, and we had a special dress-up day on the 101st day of school.
We are growing bigger and smarter...
We're getting stronger every day.

We are growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

We are superheroes in the making.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

God has great plans for us.


Ordinary people can grow up to be superheroes.

In our Bible lesson, we learned how twelve ordinary guys became Jesus-following, Spirit-powered world-changers.

Jesus didn’t chose the richest, best educated, most well-known or well-connected people to become His twelve disciples. He didn’t even choose the best behaved.

I like to tell my students that if the disciples had been in my class, they’d probably have “moved their clips” for misbehavior.

Impulsive Peter would probably have forgotten to raise his hand before he talked. He often forgot to think before he spoke.

Brothers James and John, the ones Jesus nicknamed the Sons of Thunder, would be in trouble for arguing over who would be first. (Mark 3:17, Mark10:35-45)

Matthew, who was a tax-collector before he became a disciple, might have been caught cheating.

Simon the Zealot might have been in trouble for fighting--that is, before he met Jesus and learned from the Prince of Peace.

And I could just imagine Thomas sitting in my class complaining, “I don’t know how to do this. This is too hard. I don’t believe I can do this.”  (John 20:25, John, 14:5, John 11:16)

The disciples often misunderstood Jesus---they often got it wrong. At times they were afraid. But the disciples had enough faith to follow Jesus, and they were teachable. Then when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they were transformed into powerful leaders who turned the world upside down with the gospel message.

I believe when God looks at me, at you, at these children, He looks past our present shortcomings and sees our potential. He sees what we will become when we allow Him to teach us, to empower us, and to transform us.

Jesus-followers are superheroes in training.

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