Thursday, April 13, 2017

Colorful Kids

  On National Crayon Day, when Crayola announced the retirement of the color "dandelion," our Early Childhood Division celebrated by making crayon hats.  The kids offered ideas for dandelion's replacement: rainbow, opal,  LSU (purple and gold, of course). Some colored their crayon hats dandelion in tribute to the retiring color. It was a colorful event. (As I told you in an earlier post, we're always celebrating something in Early Childhood.)
    Another spring project was our "If I Were a Butterfly" stories and art work.  This project pro vided a colorful display in the hallway, and I was a bit sad when I had to take them pictured down and send them home, so I took a few snapshots. I love the way each work of art is unique, and each story is an example of the author's individuality and creativity.  Each child brought a different perspective. Some took the factual approach and wrote about what they knew to be true of butterflies.  Some wanted to give their butterflies human emotions. Others sent their butterflies on wild adventures. 
     I love the fact that each of us is  a one-of-a-kind, original creation with a unique combination of talents, skills, ideas, and personality that we can use to enrich the lives of others and bring glory to our Creator.
     Here are a few masterpieces from our colorful, creative class.


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