Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Then and Now

When I compare the photos of those beginning kinders with the end of the year pix, this is what I see: confidence. In August their expressions are shy, tentative, hopeful but a bit unsure. By the end of the year they're beaming. They've grown so much!

On the last day, I asked the class to tell their favorite thing about the school year. Some mentioned field trips and parties (Wet and Wild Day was fresh on their minds as a favorite.) Some favored art or P.E. Some said their favorite thing was their friends. But here's the response that blessed my heart: "My favorite thing was learning about Jesus." Others added, "Oh yeah! And Chapel. We loved Chapel!"

Now that it's summer, I'm still praying for this group of kids. I pray that they'd continue to grow smarter and stronger and, most important of all, I pray that they'd grow to know Jesus better and better, and love Him more and more.

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18

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