Saturday, September 14, 2019

Nothing Is Impossible

Big Buddies came to help us.

We're writing around the room.

We're practicing sight words.

We're learning to spell.

We're writing in our journals.

It's always fun when your big buddy is your sister.

Hmm...what do I like to do at school?

We're learning to listen. 
Red, green, and yellow apples...

We're measuring our apples.

Does it sink or float?

We're tasting our apples?

How do you like to eat your apples?

It was 3 o’clock, and bunch of squirmy T-1 kids, book sacks on their backs, sat (sort-of) criss-cross on the multi-colored rug.

I asked my standard, end-of-the day question.

“What was your favorite thing about today?”

One child raised her hand and said, “The spelling test.”

Well, that was a first. Usually the favorites include playground and centers time, or sometimes chapel and science lab. The Spelling Test has never come in first place. Not even close.

Three or four others chimed in, “Yeah, I liked the spelling test, too. Did you grade it yet, Mrs. Kemp?”

I hadn’t graded the tests yet, but when I did check them, every single student had passed. I think the students who cast their vote for Spelling Test knew they had aced the test. They were proud of their success. Maybe some had even struggled with spelling in the past and had discovered new-found confidence.

We’ve been working on having a can-do attitude. I’ve told the kids that I don’t want to hear, “I can’t,” or “I won’t” in regard to schoolwork.  I want to hear, “I’ll try,” or “I’ll do my best.”

The term for this attitude is “growth mindset.”  Some skills may take longer to master. Some students may have to work harder than others. But the goals are not beyond reach.

Last week’s Bible verse reminds us that God can help us with any job He’s called us to do. In the case of my little T-1 scholars, that would include passing the spelling test.

“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

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