Friday, September 6, 2019

Investigating God's World

We're using our sense if taste. It tastes good!

We don't like the bitter.

I prefer salty.

Investigating Magnetism

Like poles repel. We can use magnetism to push the car.

How many paperclips can the horseshoe magnet pick up?

How about the bar magnet?

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34

If you ask PBS early childhood students what they know about the Bible, they’ll tell you it’s “Absolutely, Positively True.”

That’s not just blind faith… God invites us to investigate and discover for ourselves that He is real, He is good, and He is in control.

The more I study the Bible, the more I realize that the truth and reliability of the Bible. Its theme is consistent: God created people with free will; His people rebelled against Him; He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sin; He loves us and offers us forgiveness and new life in Jesus. Even the difficult passages (the minor prophets!) become clearer as we study them in their historical and cultural context.

God speaks to us through the Bible. As the students learn to read, they’ll be able to discover that, from cover to cover, it tells the story of God’s love for us.

God speaks to us through creation.

“For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made…” Romans 1:20

God’s world is a complex, intricate, orderly, and delicately balanced system. The class has been learning about using the five senses to explore. Last week they also experimented with magnets. As the kids explore God’s world, I hope they come away with an appreciation for the God who created it all.

And I hope they’re developing a relationship with Him, talking to Him in prayer, and listening to the still, small voice that speaks to their hearts. Even in their young lives, they can “taste and see that the Lord is good.”

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