Thursday, November 21, 2019

We Are Thankful!

Our Tribe
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." Psalm 107:1

Crafts, outdoor games, hayride, songs, food....this tribe had an action packed celebration that rivaled the three-day long feast of the original Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims and Indians could not have partied harder than we did.

My favorite part of the day, however, occurred in the ten minutes before the line of Pilgrims, Indians, and turkeys marched into the gym.for the feast. Almost one hundred excited, costumed children had somehow managed to get in their proper position in two orderly lines. (That alone was a miracle.)The only problem: we weren't due in the gym for another ten minutes. So we reviewed our songs and verse, and afterwards the kids all sat "Indian style" in the hallway. Then they raised their hands to tell why they were thankful.

 I randomly called on children from Pre-K, kindergarten, TK, and T1, and each child gave a sincere, well-thought out answer. No one gave a silly answer. No one interrupted.

"I'm thankful for my family.
"I'm thankful for food."
"I'm thankful for the Bible."
"I'm thankful for my friends."
"I'm thankful that God keeps me safe."
"I'm thankful for the Bible."
"I'm thankful for the Ten Commandments."
"I'm thankful that I can praise God."

Yes! I thought. They really get it!

Amid all the excitement, all the chaos, we had those ten minutes of serenity when even the littlest students proved that they understand what it means to be thankful.

And that's what makes this teacher's heart burst with gratitude.

First things first...delivering our Operation Christmas Child boxes.

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