Thursday, March 26, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?

In our science lesson, we're  learning about plants, and the students are gaining first hand experience in growing vegetables, trees, and other plants.

This tomato plant is starting to bloom. Little tomatoes will soon be growing

Parsley, beans, bell peppers, and carrots are also planted in this garden.

Plants need water, air, sunshine, and soil.

This tree is a Japanese Magnolia.In late winter, it is covered with pretty purple blossoms. When the flowers fall off, the leaves grow. 

To keep it healthy, we prune it and pull out the weeds.

Update on the broccoli seeds: after three days, the seeds are sprouting!

No matter which way the seeds are planted, the roots will always grow down into the soil, and the stem will grow up.
The little sprouts are bursting through the seed coat.

The seed contains food that will nourish the new little plant until it can grow leaves and make its own food.

Sometimes we like to plant seeds in pots.

We put soil in the pots. We put in the seeds. We add more soil. We water the seeds and put the pot in the sun. Soon we'll have peppers, squash, cabbage, broccoli, cilantro, and cucumbers.  

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